Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We have so many things to be thankful for this year; the most important are our three precious children. We waited three years for Karly, Nathan, and Anna and boy, was it worth it! I am also so very thankful for my husband, Travis; without him all of this would be impossible. I hope everyone has something to be thankful for this year, I know we're thankful for each and every one of you. Have a Merry Christmas and a safe, Happy New Year!

I've added some pictures from the last month. Anna is almost crawling, she gets into position and then nose dives, but it gets her to where she wants to go. Karly is doing push ups, she hasn't quite figured out how to bend her knees. Nathan just hangs out and watches the girls, he's content with lying on the ground. I added the picture of him "praying". We say he's pleading for help to deal with the girls! All three love Apollo and our cat, Adrian. Apollo is very tolerant of the tail and hair pulling, Adrian runs away whenever she can.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Hi Jenny-
Love the updated pictures! They will all be on the move soon & then you won't know where to fing them! Hope all is well with you guys!
Happy Holidays!